Bible Study Materials


Daniel 10: 1 - 21

14 Apr 2024



Daniel 10:1-21

Key Verse: 10:12

“Then he continued, ‘Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them.’”

1. Read verse 1a. When was this time period? Who was Cyrus, and what had he done? (See 2 Chronicles 36:22-23.) What was the chief concern of the Jews at this time? (Refer to Ezra 4:4-5.)

2. Read verses 1b-3. What did the revelation given to Daniel concern? How did he understand its meaning? In response to this revelation, what did Daniel do? What does his response reveal about him and his spiritual struggle?

3. Read verses 4-9. Describe the man Daniel met in his vision. (5-6; see also Daniel 7:13, 8:15-16; Revelation 1:12-16.) How did the sight of this vision affect Daniel?

4. Read verses 10-14. Who touched Daniel, and what did he say to encourage Daniel (10-12)? Who detained the angel who had come to Daniel? Who is Michael (13; see also Daniel 12:1)? Why had the angel come to Daniel (14)? What can we learn here about spiritual warfare? (Refer to Ephesians 6:12.)

5. Read verses 15-19. When did Daniel begin to speak, and what did he say (16-17)? How did the angel help him? (18-19)

6. Read verses 20-21. What did the angel tell Daniel? In this passage, what can we learn about how to fight the spiritual battle? (Refer to Luke 22:43-44; Ephesians 6:18.)
