Bible Study Materials


Daniel 8: 1 - 27

03 Mar 2024



Daniel 8:1-27

Key Verse: 8:26

The vision of the evenings and mornings that has been given you is true, but seal up the vision, for it concerns the distant future.”

1. Read verses 1-4. When did Daniel have this vision? How was he personally involved in the vision? Describe the ram, its appearance, and its behavior. How does it resemble the Medo-Persian Empire? (20) [Compare with the bear in chapter 7 and the statue in chapter 2.]

2. Read verses 5-8. Just when it seemed that no animal could stand against the ram, what happened? (5-7) Describe the goat. How does he resemble Alexander the Great and the Greek Empire? (21-22) [Compare with the leopard in chapter 7 and the statue in chapter 2.]

3. Read verses 9-14. What evils are perpetrated by the small horn that grows in power? Who represents the small horn? (23) Who are the host of the heavens? (10, 12)? What hope is planted for them? (14)

4. Read verses 15-19. What happened while Daniel was watching the vision and trying to understand it? (15, 16) What did the angel Gabriel tell Daniel? How did Daniel respond to Gabriel? What did the vision concern? (19)

5. Read verses 23-25. This concerns the "small horn." (9) What will he do, and what will happen to him? What spiritual meaning can we find here? (refer to 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12) Think about our spiritual warfare with Satan. (1 Peter 5:8; 1 John 2:22; Revelation 2:10)

6. Read verses 26-27. How did Daniel respond to this vision? Did it concern the immediate future? What does this vision teach us about human history? About the time of the end? About God and his promise?
