Bible Study Materials


Matthew 28: 1 - 20

10 Dec 2023



Matthew 28:1-20
Key Verse: 28:19-20a

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you…”

1. Read verses 1-4. Who came to the tomb and why? What shows the women’s love for Jesus and courage? What happened when they arrived at the tomb? Describe the appearance of the angel who sat on the stone. What happened to the guards?

2. Read verses 5-7. How did the angel address the women? (5) What good news did the angel tell the women? What does “just as he said” tell us? What does “he has risen” mean to you? What task did the angel give the women and why is their testimony important? (6b-7)

3. Read verses 8-10. What did the women do and who met them? How did they respond? What did Jesus say to them? How does this show the grace, love, and hope of the Risen Christ for his disciples?

4. Read verses 11-15. How did the religious leaders respond to the guards’ report? Why did they and the guards suppress the truth? What do we learn here?

5. Read verses 16-18. Where did the 11 disciples gather to meet Jesus and why? (16; 7,10) When they saw Jesus, what were two responses? Why did some doubt? (8:26; 14:31) What was the scope and origin of Risen Jesus’ authority? (18; Philippians 2:9-11) What did this mean to his disciples and what does this mean for us?

6. Read verses 19-20. What mission did Jesus give his disciples? What does it mean to make disciples? Whom should be made disciples? How were they to make disciples? What did Jesus promise his disciples? (20b) Think about God’s hope and love for the world.
