Bible Study Materials


Psalms 103: 1 - 22

26 Nov 2023



Psalm 103:1-22

Key Verse: 103:2

“Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits…”

Read verses 1-2, 20-22. How many times is the phrase "praise the Lord" repeated? What are the differences between the first two and the last three verses of this Psalm? Note the personal (1-5), communal/national (6-18) and universal (19-22) reasons for praising the Lord.

How did David praise God? (1) What does it mean to praise God from one's "soul" or from "all my inmost being"? For what two reasons did he praise God? (1-2)

Read verses 3-5. What are the Lord's "benefits" listed here? Can you find any progression here? Why do you think he mentions forgiveness first? Why is it important not to forget all his benefits?

Read verses 6-12. How did David's praise extend beyond himself? (6) What characterizes the Lord's reign? (Isaiah 9:7) How did the Lord reveal his character? (7-8; Ex 34:6-7a) His way of dealing with his people? (9-10) What is the extent of his love and forgiveness? (11-12)

Read verses 13-18. How is God's heart toward his people described? (13) Why is he so compassionate? (14) What are human beings like? (15-16) In contrast, what is God's love like? (17-18) To whom does God show his compassion and love? (11,13b,17a) What does it mean to fear him? (18,20b)

Read verses 19-22. How is God's rule described? (19) Who else and what should also praise the Lord? (20-22) In light of this passage, what reasons--personal, communal/ national, and universal--do you have to praise the Lord?
