Bible Study Materials


Matthew 21: 18 - 46

20 Aug 2023



Matthew 21:18-46

Key Verse: 21:42

“Jesus said to them, ‘Have you never read in the Scriptures: ‘“The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes’?”

1. Read verses 18-22. What happened early the next morning? (18-19) What amazed his disciples? In what way is the fig tree a parable of the temple, the religious leaders, and the nation Israel? What did Jesus teach his amazed disciples about faith and prayer? (20-22)

2. Read verses 23-27. What question did the chief priests and elders ask Jesus and why? (23; refer to 12, 14-15)? What was Jesus’ counter-question, and why couldn’t they answer? Why did Jesus talk about John’s baptism?

3. Read verses 28-32. In Jesus’ short story, what did a father ask his two sons and how did each respond? (28-30) What question did Jesus ask the religious leaders and how did they answer? (31a) How did Jesus apply the story? (31b-32) How should we respond to the Gospel message?

4. Read verses 33-36. In another parable, how did a landowner prepare his vineyard to be fruitful? What did the owner expect of the tenants at harvest time? How were the servants received when they came to get some fruit? Why did the tenants behave in this way?

5. Read verses 37-41. Think about the patience and love of the landowner. Why did the owner send his son? Why did the tenants kill the son? What was their fundamental problem? What would happen to the tenants and the vineyard? (40-41)

6. Read verses 42-46. Why does Jesus quote Psalm 118:22, 23 here? How is Jesus the cornerstone? (Acts 4:10-12) Why is this marvelous to us? How did Jesus apply this? (43-44) How did the religious leaders respond? (45-46) What do you learn about Jesus’ authority to save and judge?
