Bible Study Materials


Matthew 19: 16 - 30

16 Jul 2023



Matthew 19:16-30

Key Verse: 19:21

“Jesus answered, ‘If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.’”

1. Read verses 16-17. Who came to Jesus and with what question? (16, 22) Why might a rich young man ask this? Picking up on “good”, how did Jesus redirect him, and what must he do to enter life? (17; Leviticus 18:5)

2. Read verses 18-20. Which commandments did Jesus mention? (18-19) Why did he emphasize “love your neighbor as yourself”? What does the man’s answer show about him? (20)

3. Read verses 21-22. What specific command and invitation did Jesus give this man? What was it he lacked? How does following Jesus lead us to enter life? (John 14:6) What did the man do and why? (Refer to 6:24)

4. Read verses 23-26. What did Jesus teach his disciples? (23-24) What effect did this have on the disciples, and how did they respond? (25) How can anyone be saved? (26; Ephesians 2:8-9)

5. Read verses 27-30. What did Peter declare and ask? (27) What promise did Jesus give the Twelve? (28) What does Jesus promise to everyone who has left something or someone for Jesus’ sake? (29) What does verse 30 mean? How can we inherit eternal life? (16:24-26)




(Matthew 19:16-30)


“Jesus answered, ‘If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.’”

(v. 21)


In the previous passage, Jesus taught about God’s original intention of marriage. He also taught that the kingdom of God belongs to those who are like little children. In today’s passage, Jesus talks with a young man who brought a very serious but fundamental question that every human being needs to solve. He asked about how to get eternal life. Jesus kindly and very clearly teaches the man out of his love and truth. May God bless us to accept Jesus’ teaching and put it into practice!


Jesus was pressing on his way to Jerusalem to become the Lamb of God for the sin of the world. On the way, a man came and asked him a serious question. Look at verse 16. “Just then a man came up to Jesus and asked, ‘Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?’” What a great desire it is to seek eternal life! What do we know about this man? The passage tells us that this man was both young and rich. According to Luke’s Gospel, he was also a ruler. He was an outstanding and promising young man, who had youth, money and power. He was the envy of many young men. On the surface, it seemed that he did not lack anything.


Upon deeper consideration, however, we can see that he had great agony. Mark’s Gospel tells us that he ran up to Jesus and fell on his knees before him. (Mark 10:17) It reflects his lack of assurance in his personal salvation and eternal life. He was suffering from the uncertainty of his future after his death. There was no peace and happiness in his life. We can learn that money or power cannot buy eternal life and solve man’s basic problem. 


            There was another problem with the young man. He thought that he could do something good to get eternal life. He must have been a talented man. He was probably diligent and hardworking. He was used to achieving his goals through great effort. Therefore, he thought that he could get eternal life through his own effort. But we cannot obtain eternal life in this way.

How did Jesus deal with this man? Look at verse 17a. “‘Why do you ask me about what is good?’ Jesus replied. There is only One who is good….” Jesus corrected the man’s concept of good. The young man thought he was a morally good man based on human standards. But Jesus taught him that God alone is good and the source of all goodness. In contrast, human beings are evil. We sin every day. The inclination of the thoughts of human hearts is evil. Romans 3:12 says, “All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.” The young man needed to know God’s holiness and his holy standard for man’s salvation. At the same time, he needed to know about himself as a sinner. How did Jesus help the young man to get eternal life?


            First, keep the commandments. Look at verse 17b. “If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.” Jesus told him that to enter life he had to keep the commandments. How much should we keep the commandments? 50%, 90% or 99%? No! Here keeping the commandments means to perfectly obey God’s Law. To be good and to get eternal life, perfection is required. The problem is that no one can perfectly keep God’s commands, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God….” (Romans 3:23) Why then did Jesus ask him to keep the commandments? Jesus wanted him to understand how high God’s standard is. At the same time, Jesus helped him to realize his sinfulness compared to God’s holiness. Knowing our sinfulness before God’s holiness is the starting point for salvation. Confessing that we are helpless sinners before God and humbly asking for God’s grace and mercy are the beginning point to enter eternal life.


But the young man did not yet know himself as a sinner. In his spiritual ignorance, he asked, “Which ones?” What was Jesus’ response? Look at verse 18b-19. “Jesus replied, ‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, honor your father and mother,’ and ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’” Jesus patiently taught this man from the word of God. Jesus drew the man’s attention to the second half of the Ten Commandments concerning a right relationship with people. Then he summarized everything saying “love your neighbor as yourself.” After Jesus spoke, the man should have answered, “All these I have broken. Lord, what shall I do to be forgiven of my sins?” Rather, the young man must have thought to himself, “I never killed anyone, I’m good. I never committed adultery, I’m good. I never stole, never gave false testimony, never dishonored my parents, and I love everybody. Great! I made it.” So, he confidently answered Jesus, “All these I have kept. What do I still lack?” (20) This rich young man was so proud and self-righteous. It seems that he did not really know himself due to his superficial and external religious life. To any Bible teachers, this kind of Bible student may be the most difficult to help. Still, Jesus loved him and led him to the next step to eternal life.


Second, sell your possessions and give to the poor. Look at verse 21a. “Jesus answered, ‘If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven….” By saying, “go, sell your possessions and give to the poor,” Jesus directly touched the man’s fundamental sin problem. It was his love of money. Money was his idol which took the place of God in his heart. He trusted and depended on his wealth rather than God. He was an idol worshiper. Jesus pointed out that he broke the very first commandment, which says, “You shall have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20:3)

What is an idol? Dr. Timothy Keller (2009) says in his book entitled, “Counterfeit Gods,” “It is anything more important to you than God, anything that absorbs your heart and imagination more than God, anything you seek to give you what only God can give.” Dr. Keller says many Americans worship idols of sex, money, and power while spending most of their passion and energy under their empty promises. He adds that idols can even include things like family, children, career, achievement, social standing, a romantic relationship, peer approval, competence, skill, secure and comfortable circumstances, beauty, brains, morality, or even success in Christian ministry. Why is idolatry so serious? Jesus says in Matthew 6:24, “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”


We cannot serve God and idols at the same time because our heart is only one. Furthermore, idolatry is the root of all other sins. Martin Luther pointed out that the Ten Commandments begin with a commandment against idolatry. Why? Because, he argued, the fundamental motivation behind lawbreaking is idolatry. We never break the other commandments without breaking the first one. Here we must ask ourselves: Is there anything or anyone that I treasure more than God? Jesus calls us to replace the thing or person with God and exchange this thing or person for treasure in heaven.


Love of money and greed blocked the rich young man’s path from truly loving and experiencing God. Furthermore, his idolatry hindered him from loving his neighbors as himself. Jesus exposed the man’s sin and helped him to know the real meaning of the commandments. Jesus helped him to repent and break his idol to love God with all his heart, soul, and mind. (Matthew 22:37) He challenged the man to overcome his selfishness and practice God’s command to love his neighbor as himself. (Matthew 22:39) Breaking his idol required pain because it is spiritual surgery. However, it was God’s love and invitation to the kingdom of God. By accepting and obeying Jesus’ command, “sell your possessions and give to the poor” he could have stored up his treasure in heaven. Treasure in heaven is eternal in nature. It does not perish, spoil or fade. Those who have this treasure are truly rich people. The man could have tasted the joy of the Lord and heavenly wealth freeing from all his agony.  


Third, then come, follow me. The next step for the man’s eternal life was to come and follow Jesus. What does it mean to follow Jesus? It means to trust in Jesus. So far, the man trusted his possessions as his savior. But now he had to trust in Jesus as his personal Savior, who could give him forgiveness, true rest and happiness eternally. So far, he worshiped his wealth as his master. Now he had to replace the object of his love and worship with his true Master, Jesus Christ. Another meaning of following Jesus is to be a disciple of Jesus. It means to become a lifetime learner and imitator of Jesus. It requires the cost of commitment and self-denial. However, Jesus would help him change in inner character until he bore the glorious image of God. Jesus invited him to join his Gospel ministry to save lost souls and bear fruit worldwide and throughout eternity. What a glorious invitation! Following Jesus is the way to eternal life and glory.

How did the young man respond? Look at verse 22. “When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.” This verse is one of the saddest verses in the Bible. One Bible scholar called this the Great Refusal. The young man could not part with his great wealth because he valued his earthly wealth and power and honor more than eternal life. Jesus taught him the way to get eternal life by helping him to repent of his idol worship and follow Jesus, but he was unwilling to change. He could not but go away from Jesus with grievous sadness in his soul, heading toward eternal destruction. It was sad, and Jesus’ heart was broken.


Like the rich young man, for each person, there is a time to choose between eternal life or temporal pleasure. In the time of decision, we should not hesitate but accept Jesus’ invitation by valuing eternity. Jesus’ teaching of the way to eternal life is very clear. It is consistent with his message when he began to preach the Gospel. “The time has come…The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” (Mark 1:15) The only way to salvation and eternal life is to repent and believe in Jesus. It is to acknowledge that we are sinners, turn from our idols and follow Jesus. There is no other way to get eternal life except this way. May God bless us to taste the joy of God’s salvation and eternal life through repentance and trust in Jesus! 


Jesus was deeply sorrowed when this lovely young man rejected the way to eternal life. Then he spoke to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” (23-24) The camel was the largest land animal in that area. The eye of a needle was the smallest opening. Yet Jesus said that this is easier than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. Does this mean then that no rich person can get into heaven? No, for there have been quite many wealthy believers in the Bible and in church history like Joseph of Arimathea, Count Nicholas Zinzendorf, the founder of the Moravian mission, and John D. Rockefeller, to name a few. But Jesus warned of the danger of valuing and depending on money more than God as 1 Timothy 6:10 says, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil….”


            When the disciples heard Jesus’ words, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?” (25) They thought that wealth was a sign of God’s blessing and favor, so if it was hard for the rich to be saved, then who could be saved? In verse 26, Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Only in God, can a camel go through the eye of a needle. Only in God can anyone be saved. This is the point: no person can save themselves by their own effort, ability or goodness. We all need the grace of God to be saved. Ezekiel 36:26 says, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” God melts people’s hearts and helps them repent and believe in Jesus. Our salvation is the gift of God. Therefore, no one can boast of their salvation. What we should do is to continually teach the word of God to any kind of person and pray for them until God’s grace may be granted upon them.


            When Jesus mentioned God Almighty, Peter remembered God’s work in his life. He and the other disciples had left everything to follow Jesus. In the previous conversation, Jesus told the rich young man to sell all he had and follow him. Whereas the man did not leave his possessions, Peter and the other disciples had done. So, Peter brought this to Jesus’ attention and asked about his own reward. Look at verses 28-30. “Jesus said to them, ‘Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much as will inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.” In these verses we learn about Jesus and the abundant blessing he gives those who deny themselves and follow him.


Actually, Jesus is the one who left everything and came into this world as a humble shepherd. Jesus is the very nature God. Jesus is the Son of God, who is the richest person in the universe. His dwelling place was heaven and a myriad of angles obeyed him joyfully. But he put aside his glory, honor and majesty and came to this world in human form. Though he was rich, yet for our sakes he became poor, so that we through his poverty might become rich. (2 Corinthians 8:9) While on earth, Jesus was humble and lowly. He spent his time caring for the poor and needy. He patiently bore with his weak disciples. He was mistreated and persecuted by people. Then he died on the Cross for our sins. But God raised him from the dead and gave him all authority in heaven and on earth. One day all things will be made new, Jesus will sit on his glorious throne as King and Judge. At that time, his twelve disciples, who followed him and shared in his suffering, will also share his glory, sit on thrones and judge the Twelve tribes of Israel. (Revelation 21:12-14)


In fact, Jesus promises that whoever has left anything for his sake will receive 100 times as much plus eternal life. This does not necessarily mean that if we give up one video game, Jesus will give us 100 video games. Jesus promises 100 times more of any good thing we’ve given up for his sake. Indeed, our true reward is Jesus himself and his presence with us through the Holy Spirit and ultimately eternal glory and honor. Therefore, once we started the race to follow Jesus, we must run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. (Hebrews 12:1-2) However, although we started this race earlier than others if we grow proud or self-contented, or entangled with sins, we would be the last in the race.


While pursuing my worldly glory and pleasure, I became so miserable and hopeless. At that time, I humbly knelt before God to save me from the misery. God had mercy on me and guided me to Bible study in my senior year at the college. During a summer Bible conference, when I looked at Jesus crucified on the Cross, I saw God's glory, his grace and love to forgive a wretched sinner like me on the Cross. God helped me to repent of my sins of lust, pride and self-glory seeking life and decide to follow Jesus for the rest of my life. Thank God for Jesus, who became poor to make me a rich child of God. Through this passage, I learn that God wants me to sell my possessions and give to the poor. I thought that I don't have any possessions to sell except a car, old laptop and cell phone.

However, I realized that I have possession that I value more than God. It is my time. I wanted to use my time to please myself. Whenever I have extra time, I have a desire to relax by watching some sports, news or YouTube videos. But God wants me to sell the extra time to have fellowship with him for my neighbors. By reading the Bible or spiritual books, or preparing messages or Bible studies I can develop myself to serve my neighbors with deeper spiritual insights. I have many people to pray for. Through my intercessory prayers, God can bring salvation to their lives and use them for his wonderful purposes. Father, I repent that I wanted to use my time for my own pleasure aimlessly. By selling my extra time for my neighbors, I want to have treasure in heaven, and follow Jesus by denying myself. I pray that God may help me to see his glory again through our ISBC and renew my heart and vision. May God bless many young people including Alex and Daniel to see his glory and make a clear decision to sell their possessions and follow Jesus Christ for eternity. Thank God for his one-sided grace to save sinners through Jesus Christ and bless us to live a truly meaningful and glorious life for eternity!     


Today we learned the way to get eternal life. It is impossible to get eternal life by our own work or goodness. We need God’s righteousness that comes through faith in Jesus Christ. The starting point is to know our sinfulness before the word of God. Then we should repent of our sins and follow Christ. Then God bestows on us Jesus’ righteousness and gives us eternal life. In addition, Jesus promises us a reward 100 times greater than what we gave up for his sake. May God strengthen us to continue to run the race marked out for us! May God bless many young people to see Jesus’ glory and willingly follow Jesus Christ based on eternal hope and vision!
